Subscribe to Online Tenders to improve your bottom line! You can’t tender on business opportunities if you don’t know about them. This may seem trite; it is however, 100% true. How many times have you missed out on an opportunity that you did not know about, not to mention the times you weren’t informed of them? That’s why businesses subscribe to Online Tenders. They can rest assured knowing that they won’t miss any relevant bid opportunities. Subscribers have online access on a non-stop basis; this allows them to navigate the Online Tenders database, which contains thousands of bid opportunities from various business sectors.
If you are constantly scrambling to find new business, and losing out on tender opportunities due to time or lack of resources, then trust in Online Tenders to deliver the correct tenders to your company.
Get the edge on your competitors by creating winning tender responses and discover new ventures, new business opportunities and new ways to further enhance the productivity of your business. Online Tenders are one of the largest and most successful tender procurement businesses in South Africa. We have proven results, a massive database of clients and possible tenders plus
the resources to ensure that the correct tenders are given to the ideal clients. If you are constantly scrambling to find new business, and losing out on tender opportunities due to time or lack of resources, then trust in Online Tenders to deliver the correct tenders to your company. Our team is based in all regions of Southern Africa. From Cape Town to Port Elizabeth, no tender is too large to deliver or too small to not be considered. All tenders, published from either the local, provincial or national government will be catalogued and then directed to the correct form of business. How is a tender decided on? The business tender that matches your particular company is classified by both region and industry; this doubly ensures that the perfect opportunity will come your way.
Tenders are dispatched daily, either via fax or email. Once a tender has been dispatched, you can then access them via your online notifications. All relevant information pertaining to the tender will be displayed, including contact telephone number, email address, fax number and so on. This is the information age and these routes of contact will ensure that your company is directly in the line of the ultimate tender for you.
Our system ensures that every business is covered. Legal, IT, Media and Marketing, Travel, HR – it is all covered and it is all considered by our tendering systems. You can even test out our fantastic tendering services completely for free! Scan our many tenders and see how we can create new business leads for you. Online Tenders provides an outstanding tender service that no company should be without. The hassle of searching for the ideal tender is over, and the days of exciting business opportunities have just begun.